
Paradigm Shift in

Career Selection

Choose the Career Most Suited to You & Become Your Best!

Most in-depth and scientific AI driven platform to guide your career selection proactively – right from 6th grade onwards to college.

Our Mission

  • Discover the Most Fitting Career Option for Each Student, ensuring No Disconnect.

  • Prepare them Proactively & Holistically for Life-Long Success.

  • Make them “The Best Version” of themselves.

Why Career-9?

Connecting the dots to create best version of each child (Minimizing Future Career Risks)

Our Solution

Proprietary Diagnostic Analytics

6 Dimensional Framework – Navigator 360

Detailed Interviews with Student & Parents

Analysis of past 3 years performance

Discovery of Most Fitting Stream/Career Options

Revised as needed after subsequent diagnostics

Detailed Road Map Created & Implemented

Dedicated Career Coach; exposure to industry experts

What our Students say?

Dheemahi Rai
Dheemahi Rai
7th Standard
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“We are thrilled and satisfied with Career-9's professional approach and the personalized report they provided, detailing Dheemahi's career insights. As a life coach and behavioral expert, I fully support their mission and connect with every aspect of the report. It has significantly enriched our parental perspective, which will undoubtedly contribute to Dheemahi's overall personal development and future endeavors. We eagerly anticipate receiving regular guidance and evaluations as she progresses in her journey.”
Master C P Aaditya
Master C P Aaditya
7th standard
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“I am grateful to the Career-9 team for providing me with valuable insights into my potential career paths. The professionalism and dedication of the Career-9 team have left a lasting impression on me and my family. The Career-9 team conducted the assessment and based on my performance and interests, very meticulously analysed my intelligence and strengths. The insights and suggestions provided by the report were truly eye-opening...”
Chahal Tahilramani
Chahal Tahilramani
6th Standard
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“I was truly excited to receive my colourful Career-9's Analysis Report, which showed my strengths and so much more. Among the career options proposed, two were actually my "dream careers"! Thank you, Career-9; I promise to strive toward them.”
Angad Jha
Angad Jha
6th Standard
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6th grade is a whirlwind! What do you even WANNA be when you grow up? Career-9 helped me figure it out!
Those awesome quizzes that I took showed my brainpower in so many ways. But Career-9 doesn't just leave you hanging! Vijay Sir and Bharti Ma'am called and explained the results in a super cool way. They showed me amazing careers that fit my strengths. Now, picking a future job feels like an adventure, not a scary mystery.
Thanks, Career-9, and especially Vijay sir and Bharti Ma'am for being my personal career cheerleaders! You guys rock!

Our Team

Sushil Jha

Chief Executive Officer

Gunjan Jha

VP (Training and Operations)

Sanjay Chakraborti

VP (Customer Experience & Field Operations)

At Career-9, our leadership team combines extensive expertise in education, training, and technology with significant exposure to Silicon Valley’s innovative environment. This diverse experience fuels our mission to empower students to discover and pursue career paths aligned with their strengths.

The team’s commitment to excellence in technology and innovative training ensures Career-9 stays at the forefront of career guidance.

We are dedicated to providing high-quality career readiness and guidance, fostering a supportive learning environment, and helping students confidently navigate their future careers using a blend of technology and human touch.



Secure Your Career

Begin your career exploration with Career-9